How to Create a Scraper site with Blogger:
Hello friends in this tutorial i will show you how to Create a Scraper site with Blogger and WordPress But before going for tutorial i will give you a brief definition of Scraper Site.What is a Scraper site..?
A scraper site is a spam website that copies all of its content from other websites using an underlying technology or software that simulate humans’ exploration of the internet.
The purpose of creating such a site can be to collect advertising revenue or to manipulate search engine rankings by linking to other sites to improve their search engine ranking.(via wikipedia).
The purpose of creating such a site can be to collect advertising revenue or to manipulate search engine rankings by linking to other sites to improve their search engine ranking.(via wikipedia).
How to Create a Scraper site with Blogger:
You can Create your own scraper website on blogger or wordpress by using IFTTT website.
1. First visit IFTTT website and login or create an account if you do not have.
2. Open Dashboard and click 'Create a Recipe' shown in pic below.
3. 'ifthisthenthat' will be shown, click on this , as shown below.
4. Scroll down and click 'Feed'.
5. Then in 'Choose a Trigger' section click 'New Feed Item'.
6. In Feed Url Box type the feed url of the blog from which you want to scrap contents and click 'Create Trigger.
7. Now Click 'that' as shown in pic below.
8. In 'Choose an Action' section click on 'Blogger' and then click 'Create a post' as shown in pics below.
9. And finally click on 'Create Action' and then 'Create Recipe' and its done. When ever the victim's will post on his blog it will be automatically posted on your blog too..
NOTE:Scraper sites violate copyright law and search engines like Google frown at them. And your blog may be deleted.This article is for educational purpose only, use at your own risk.
If you have any questions or queries regarding any post then comment below and i hope you have enjoyed this tutorial, so keep visiting the blog and do comment.. thank you.
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